Sunday, 7 September 2008

"The Comedy Monologue"

Alan explains all about a childhood in which he was regarded as being 'a bit funny', and how he interpreted this to mean he had comedic abilities. Did he? Find out!

Saturday, 6 September 2008

"The Narnia Monologue"

The first in the series of adventures!

Here, a trip upstairs to fetch Dad's cardigan turns into a magical adventure... centaurs... battle scenes... a fight for control of a magical faraway land?

Or maybe it's just about a cardigan...

The Alan Begaritt Monologues

"I'd just taken her tea up this morning when she said, "Neil... hasn't this been done before by Alan Bennett?"

"It has" I said, "Now drink your tea Mam, there's a Garibaldi biscuit going begging too if you'd like it... I might even be able to run to a pink wafer or two".

"At this time of the morning?" she sniffed... "You'll have my blood sugar through the roof!"

Ahem... as you can see, I'm a fan of the "Alan Bennett" series of monologues ("Talking Heads") and indeed of the famous author and playwright in general.

These are my efforts in, what I hope can be seen as, creating an affectionate rather than offensive 'variation' based on his work and style - I hope you like them.

"Who're you talking too," Mam said, "You're not on that computer are you? Doctor Chaudharry said it wan't helping you, and Mrs. Brinsop said that their Trevor'd got wed to a Lithuanian woman all because of a £10 webcam he'd got involved with after buying from Argos!"

I didn't say anything...